PAI 2030 Programming

ASHP’s Practice Advancement Initiative 2030 (PAI 2030) provides pharmacy teams with guidance for advancing healthcare, patient outcomes, and pharmacy practice through 59 recommendations. The guidance offered by the recommendations, which take into account environment trends that are likely to affect the pharmacy enterprise, will help pharmacists, health systems, and pharmacy leaders in their ongoing pursuit of optimal, safe, and effective use of medications. Midyear 2024 offers programming related to the PAI 2030 focused initiatives and each of the five PAI 2030 domains:

PAI 2030 focused initiatives

  1. ASHP 2024 National Survey: A Conversation About the State of Health-System Pharmacy Practice
  2. Tailoring Practice Advancement Initiative Recommendations for Small and Rural States and Sites

PAI 2030 domains

Patient-centered care

  1. From No Wrong Door to the Front Door: Home-Based Medication Management for Substance Use Disorder
  2. Magnifying the Dilemmas of Drug Shortages Through a Bioethical Lens
  3. Increasing Ambulatory Patient Access
  4. Understanding the Explicit Impact of Implicit Behaviors: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Clinical and Academic Practice
  5. "Big Easy" Approach to Transitions of Care for Special Patient Populations
  6. Maximize Value Through Site of Care Optimization
  7. Pound Perspectives: Exploring Medication Options for Adult and Adolescent Obesity
  8. NNT (Number Needed to Treat) to Prevent Harm at Discharge: Navigating a Safe Landing
  9. Rxcellence in Specialty Pharmacy Practice — Crafting the Perfect Formula for Patient Care
  10. Finding Water in the Pharmacy Desert — Preceptor Development Programs for Sustainable Pharmacy Services in Rural and Low-Resourced Areas
  11. Nothing Comes for Free: Confronting and Reckoning How Racism, Marginalization, and Personal Sacrifice Has Advanced Healthcare
  12. Cardio-Kidney-Metabolic Syndrome: How Pharmacists Can Help De-fragment Care for Patients
  13. Blueprints for Success: Launching Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Services
  14. (Management Case Study) Transitions of Care Gumbo: A Clinic-Hospital Collaboration to Improve Care Transitions in the Multivisit Patient
  15. (Management Case Study) Insights from Implementing a Pharmacy Model of Care Targeting Patient Education, Engagement, and Health Equity
  16. (Management Case Study) On the Road to Recovery: Bringing Ambulatory Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Care Into the Community

Pharmacist role, education, and training

  1. Infectious Disease Pharmacists: Working Outside the Box
  2. Modern ART: A Gallery Tour of What's New in HIV Treatment and Prevention
    Practice Enhancing Interventions About the Ambulatory Care Medication-Use Process from 2023: Gems from AJHP
  3. Expanding HIV PrEP in Primary Care
  4. To D/C or Not to D/C — How to Implement Deprescribing Into Practice
  5. A Pharmacist’s Role in Harm Reduction from Policy to Practice
  6. Pop Rocks! Exploring the Foundational Rocks and Opportunities in Population Health
  7. Say the Magic Word: Addressing Biases in Pain Care Through Application of Best Practices
  8. Pharmacy Emergency Preparedness: Drilling Down to Better Outcomes
  9. What’s Our Worth? Demonstrating the Impact and Value of Clinical Pharmacy Services
  10. (Management Case Study) Platinum Plan: Slashing Readmission Rates Through Ambulatory Pharmacy Visits
  11. (Management Case Study) Implementation of a Standardized Pharmacist–Nurse Collaboration to Increase Patient Access for Pharmacist Visits in an Ambulatory Care Setting
  12. (Management Case Study) Empowering Pharmacists: Unveiling the Support Staff Synergy in Ambulatory Care
  13. (Management Case Study) Prescribing Value: Defining the Population Health Pharmacist Role in a Value-Based Care Model

Technology and data science

  1. Informatics Gems 2024: Resident & New Practitioner Bytes of Informatics
  2. Do Whatcha Wanna with Artificial Intelligence in Small & Rural Pharmacy
  3. Generative Artificial Intelligence: Benefits and Pitfalls
  4. Technology in Specialty Pharmacy: Advancing the Digital Patient Journey
  5. Data Overload or Opportunity for the Health-System Pharmacist: The Road from Data to Actionable Information
  6. Designing a Curriculum to Teach Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice
  7. Working Collaboratively with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Your Future Career (Student programming)
  8. Informatics Everywhere? Implementing Pathways to Leverage and Use Data Across All Levels of Practice
  9. Informatics Pearls 2024: Gigabytes of Informatics
  10. The Future of Healthcare Is Now! Integrating Innovative Technologies to Improve Patient Care
  11. Spotlight on Science — Experts Discuss the Convergence of Technology, and cGMP Quality and Safety with Distributed and Point of Care Manufacturing
  12. Artificial Intelligence & Disruptive Technology: Are You Ready?
  13. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools: Optimizing Key Performance Indicators to Improve Operations, Automation, and Financial Performance
  14. Pharmacy Database Design and Supplemental Datasets
  15. Evaluating Pharmacy Technology: Focus on AI Vendors
  16. No Shortage of Data: Using Analytics to Support Drug Shortage Management
  17. The Evolution and Role of Robotics in Today's Health-System Pharmacy
  18. (Management Case Study) Integration of Electronic Health Records with Voice-Activated Technology to Enhance Pharmacy Workflows
  19. (Management Case Study) Innovate to Operate: Transforming Pharmacy Data Management
  20. (Management Case Study) Design and Utilization of Operational and Clinical Dashboards to Strategize Hospital Growth
  21. (Management Case Study) Development and Implementation of a Novel Standardized Algorithm-Based Automation Optimization Strategy in a Mid-Sized Community Hospital
  22. (Management Case Study) Implementation of Enterprise Solution Applications to Automate Repetitive Tasks for Pharmacy Managers
  23. (Management Case Study) Managing Inventory: Using Predictive Models to Control Inventory Costs

Pharmacy technician role, education, and training

  1. If I Could, I Would: Impact of Grassroots Advocacy on the Expansion of Pharmacy Technician Roles
  2. From Pills to Progress: Developing New Heights in Pharmacy Technician Advancement
  3. Expanding Roles: Development of a Dedicated Pharmacy Technician Clinic Liaison Team
  4. Empowering Tomorrow's Pharmacy Technicians: Fostering Partnerships with Academia to Develop Cutting-Edge Technician Training Programs
  5. (Management Case Study) People vs. Process: How Specializing Your Technician Leaders Will Reduce Turnover and Improve Job Satisfaction
  6. (Management Case Study) Implementation of a Pharmacy Technician Leadership Series
  7. (Management Case Study) Better Together: Leveraging Frontline Pharmacy Technician Insights and Data Analytics to Optimize Workflows

Leadership in medication use and safety

  1. The Turnout on Burnout: Workplace Strategies Healthcare Workforce Well-Being
  2. I Think I Am, Therefore I Am? Shaping Professional Identity Formation to Reduce Burnout and Improve Resilience Among Pharmacists and Technicians
  3. Practice Enhancing Interventions About the Medication-Use Process from 2023: Gems from AJHP
  4. What Is the Ideal Practice Model? An Administrative Debate
  5. Consolidated Pharmacy Centers: A Key Strategy in the Advancement of Centralized Pharmacy Services
  6. Authentic Leadership: Understanding Your Unique Style Through Values and Identity
  7. Leadership Heights: Pharmacists Specializing in the C-Suite
  8. Management Pearls 2024
  9. Final Destination — System Integration
  10. Revenue Cycle Integrity — Tips and Tricks
  11. Aligning 2025 Goals with Payor Requirements: Opportunities to Thrive Despite Challenges and Disruptors
  12. Medication Safety & Quality Pearls 2024
  13. Where Y'At?" with LOW vs. HIGH-Level Strategies for Safety?
  14. Medication Safety 101: An Edge That Will Set You Apart (Student programming)
  15. Pharmacoeconomic Assessment Insights: Informing Organizational Strategy for the Future
  16. ISMP Medication Safety Update 2024
  17. The (Not So) Big Easy of Safety: Measuring Meaningfully
  18. Get in Top Form with the 2024 Health Technology and Patient Safety Hazards
  19. Are You Invested in Drug Diversion Prevention? Investigation Strategies to Mitigate Drug Diversion
  20. (Management Case Study) Setting the Boundaries — Establishing an Effective Controlled Substance Monitoring and Drug Diversion Program Within a Health System
  21. Engaging Federal and State Policymakers: Key Issues for Health-System Pharmacy 2024
  22. Cultivating Creative Confidence — How to Use Design Thinking for Wicked Problems
  23. Preparing Healthcare Service Delivery for Climate Change Impacts
  24. (Management Case Study) All Hands On Deck: Application and Survey for the Center of Excellence in Medication-Use Safety and Pharmacy Practice Certification
  25. Pharmacy Forecast 2025: Trends That Will Shape Your Future
  26. 2024 ASHP National Survey of Sterile Compounding in Hospital Settings: Key Findings
  27. 2024 ASHP Survey of Health-System Specialty Pharmacy
  28. ABCs of VBC: Learning the Language and Strategies for Improving Value-Based Care and Population Health Outcomes
  29. Paving Your Path to Inclusive Leadership: Overcoming Fear, Inner Saboteurs, and Adversity Along the Way
  30. Exploring a Connection Between Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Workforce Wellness
  31. Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace Culture:  Managing Difficult Co-Workers and Their Wake
  32. Understanding the Explicit Impact of Implicit Behaviors: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Clinical and Academic Practice
  33. Diverse Approaches, Shared Success: Maximizing Preceptor Archetypes
  34. Sexual Harassment in the Pharmacy Workplace
  35. Pharmacogenomics Clinical Gems: Advancing the Pharmacist's Role in Personalized Medicine
  36. Gene Therapy: Operational, Financial, and Clinical Considerations
  37. Gene Therapy Adverse Effect Management