Residency Showcase – Information for Prospective Residents
- Floor Plan/List of Participating Institutions - An interactive map used to locate specific institutions at the Residency Showcase and route your visit to the hall. Select "Other Session Maps" to switch between sessions. Booths starting with a 4 are in the Monday PM session, those starting with a 5 are in the Tuesday AM session and those starting with a 6 are in the Tuesday PM session.
- Residency Showcase Program Listings – Database of residency programs being advertised as available to discuss at the Residency Showcase. Use this resource to decide which programs to seek out while at the meeting. You can search the list by category or keyword to identify a prospective residency program and when/where to find the institution’s booth.
- Residency Showcase hours are as follows:
- Monday and Tuesday PM session 1 - 4 p.m.
- Tuesday AM session 8 - 11 a.m.
- Virtual Residency Showcase - December 18, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm ET. The Virtual Residency Showcase is a second opportunity to interact with recruiting programs if you did not get a chance to connect with them at Midyear.
What is the Residency Showcase?
The ASHP Residency Showcase is the world’s largest pharmacy residency exhibit program and a forum for representatives from residency programs and 2025 resident candidates to meet, discuss program opportunities, and exchange information.
- What programs are at Showcase?
- Floor Plan/List of participating Institutions - Coming in August —A complete interactive map used to identify and locate specific institutions and route your visit in the hall.
- Residency Showcase Program Listings Coming in September– Optional online database where most residency programs choose to advertise their program ahead of Showcase. You can search the list by category or keyword to identify a prospective residency program and when/where to find the institution’s booth. (Not all programs who will be at showcase will advertise, for a complete list of all programs use the floor plan)
- Who should attend? 2025 resident candidates or potential candidates.
- NOTE to P1-P3 students: The Residency Showcase is intended for the graduating class of 2025. The strong demand for residency positions limits the time residency program representatives will have to speak with P1-P3 students during the showcase. We recommend that those students interested in seeing the showcase, but who will not be pursuing a residency in 2025, please wait until the second half of each individual session (after 2:30 for the afternoon sessions/after 9:30 for the morning session). We also recommend attending the student educational sessions on Sunday, which are designed to help inform students about residency programs.
- Residency Showcase Hours:
- Monday and Tuesday PM session 1 - 4 p.m.
- Tuesday AM session 8 -11 a.m.
Tips for Prospective Residents
- Your registration to the Midyear meeting allows you to participate in the showcase (no additional fees are necessary).
- Prepare in advance. Be respectful of each program’s time and have your CV, and questions prepared before you come to the showcase.
- Business dress is preferred.
- Beginning early, view the Floor Plan and Residency Showcase Listing when available to determine which sites you want to visit during the showcase.
- Find out the date and time those sites will be at the showcase.
- Participating sites exhibit during only one time slot. They do not exhibit at all sessions. Use the exhibitor list and program listing portal to view the time when the sites you want to see are displaying.
- Programs are listed by site, not by specific type of residency program offered.
- Use ASHP Residency Resources like the Match Day Resources Page to organize your programs of interest and application materials.
- Not enough time to visit the sites you're most interested in? Ask the program representatives if they are available at another time during the meeting to talk with you.
- Some programs are also involved in Personnel Placement Service (PPS). This allows time for one-on-one interviews but requires an additional fee to participate in this process.
- Plenty of ASHP staff will be available to answer your questions. You can also contact us at [email protected] with your questions.
Good luck to all prospective residents and residency programs for the next residency year!
Residency Showcase vs PPS: What is the difference?
- The Residency Showcase is a large hall of booths where residency programs from all over the country can “showcase” their programs to interested candidates.
- Included with Midyear registration
- No reservations or scheduled appointments needed. The booths are structured as a first-come, first-serve walk up format
- Personnel Placement Service (PPS) is the event to conduct private, pre-scheduled interviews at Midyear.
- Includes job openings, industry fellowships, and residencies
- There is a separate registration and fee, and all interviews need to be scheduled
Which one is better? What should I attend?
- P3-P4 who are planning to participate in the Match: Showcase & PPS
- Many residency programs will participate in both the Residency Showcase and PPS
- P3-P4 who are thinking about a residency, but are undecided: Showcase
- Students who plan to go directly into practice: PPS
- Students who are interested in pursuing an industry fellowship: PPS
- Practicing pharmacists at all stages who are interested in pursuing new career opportunities: PPS
Contact Us
Please direct any questions to the Residency Showcase Team at [email protected].