Promotional Theaters
Promotional Theaters provide an opportunity for commercial organizations to present information about their products, services, and therapeutic areas to pharmacists attending 2023 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition. The material presented in Promotional Theaters may be promotional and may concentrate on a specific product. Therefore, these sessions are considered promotional and do not offer continuing pharmacy education credit.
Promotional Theater Application Process
Organizations are not required to be exhibitors at the Midyear Clinical Meeting to sponsor a Promotional Theater. However, non-exhibiting companies must meet ASHP’s qualifications for exhibitors as specified in the exhibitor rules and regulations. The online Promotional Theater application opens early August. The online application link will be emailed upon request beginning on the day the online application opens. The online application requires a credit card payment to pay for and secure the slot at the time the application is made. ASHP cannot hold slots and the application process is first come, first served. Be sure to review the Promotional Theater Guidelines before submitting an application. For more information and the application link, please contact Michelle Rasnick Tyler at [email protected].